Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Walking under tree shades in Taipei

To form a calm mind, walking can be one of the best option. 

Near ChengDe boulevard in Taipei, you would be able to encounter roads with tree shades. 

Turn a corner,  look up at the sky.

Enchanting play between clouds always enlightens my heart. 

Under almost 39 Celsius degree,  I can still enjoy every surprise walking brings to me. 

You can find illustrated works on ordinary walls or appreciate clouds playing in the sky. 

A quiet street near an elementary school, whose wall is decorated with a dragon boat ceramic.  

                                                        A Y shape sky among three trees

A smile face by clouds

Near Tong An road in Taipei, an ordinary house is made extraordinary with artist' illustration. 

A hiding blue bear is saying hello. 

In front of a auto bike, a young lad is holding his precious moon. 

Round table represent a family's deepest desire:getting together.

Bird shape cloud near Kishu Sn Literature forest. 

Exhibition of a writer's desk

Clouds seen from an looking-out angle

Down the passway

An exhibition about  a plastic filled beach

Sky with Coming rain 

Sky with lighting sun