The seventh Malaysia Duo-Pek-Kong(Land
God)festival preparation association members visited Taiwan on 2015 April 30th
to bring invitation letters to the Taiwanese Land God temples. The Malaysia Duo-Pek-Kong
festival has been cerebrated since 2009. Visitors are growing year by year and
reach 3,000 capita in 2013. By more interaction between people and gods from
different regions , love of Duo-Pek-Kong can be widespread.
In the following
days, what is waiting for them are famous Taiwanese hospitality and endless
wine toast, which can be proved at the first stop-Ding An temple in I-Lan. This
temple has 33 gods and goddess standing over the roof overseeing the people and
takes care of the poor and the needed in the neighborhood.
*中和烘爐地福德宮Taipei Hunglodei Fu-De temple
Hunglodei Fu-De
temple is located on the south of Taipei overseeing Taipei basin. It features
108 meter high Landgod, which is a must-visit site for sales and businessmen to
visit in the New year.
中崙福順宮Taipei Fu-Shung temple
Taipei Fu-Shung
temple situates in a small alley behind Taipei central business zone surrounded
by banks. Nearby office people normally visit this temple during lunch break.
The ex-chairman Mr. FANG,ZHEN-ZHANG has participated International FuDe Cultural Festival several hopping to bring Fu-Shung temple
to next climax.
桃園福德宮Taoyuan Fu-De temple
Taoyuan city has
more than 300 landgods temples; it is the densest area in Taiwan. Every landgod
temple has detailed field study. A new Tu Di Kong museum is going to complete.
The chairman Mr. Su, Jia Min integrates industry, academic and government to
promote landgod belief.
新竹交大客家學院Hsuchu College of Hakka study
The college
director Mr. Zhang, Wei An introduced the college of Hakka study. Over half of
the guests are Hakka and they share their first-hand experience with Da Bo Gong
and how their belief influences their life.
彰化花壇文德宮Zhanghua Wen De temple
The landgod at the
Wen De temple was said to help a local scholar in an official exam and is the
only one who has worn official hat. The chairman Mr. Wang Liang Fong treated us
with local hand- made desserts. During New year, visitors can nejoy the local
food and indulge in the almost 200 years history lantern festival.
History of Zi-Nan
temple can be traced back to 19th century when the landgod protect
China emperor when he visited Ju-Shan. Nowady, Zi-Nan temple is an excellent
guardian protecting people. As those who borrow money form the landgod becomes
more prosperous, the local business surrounding this temple grows proportionally as well.
嘉義北安宮Jiayin Bei An temple
Bei An temple was
built in 17th century, once tore down in the Japanese period and was
restored after 1950. The certificates of recognition were hung over the over
indicates Chairman Mr. Sun Mo Chia’s enthusiasm toward education.
車城福安宮Checheng Fu An temple
Fu-An temple was
established in 17th century Ching daynasty. The landgod was once
promoted in 18th century wearing official’s costume until now. In
addition to the landgod, there is Budda and other deities. Kids often gather
around the square and their beliefs in landgods are cultivated since young.
高山巖處於俯瞰巴士海峽的珊瑚岩地形上。相傳明朝崇禎年間土地公和土地婆顯靈而建廟,至今沿地形陸續修建18 羅漢,靈龜等著名地標。廟裡還有一位能背誦108籤詩的盲眼解籤員。主委徐文隆先生拓展與友廟關係,團結土地公信仰。
Kosanen Landgod
temple overseeing Bashi Channel was built on reef-coated rocks. In the Ming
dynasty, the landgod and landgoddess once shew up to protect villagers. Over
time, 18 disciples , magic turtle and etc. were completed. There is a famous
blind god interpreter who can remember 108 god messages. The temple chairman
Mr. Hsu Wen Long works on building good term with other temples hoping to strengthen
landgod belief.
屏東美和科技大學 Pingtong Meiho University
Professor Wang, Shu-Hui
Wang and Ming-Kun Tsai are famous for their Taiwanese Hakka study. They have
introduced Hakka culture and the landgod belief to our guests. We also have a
short field trip to a landgod site and pay tribute to the landgod.
屏東萬福宮Pingdong Wan Fu temple
Pingdong Wan Fu
temple is located in Huashan village, where Fujian and Hakka residents live
together peacefully. The major deity is general Hsieh and on the opposite
temple, a landgod is the major deity. The date May 3rd when we visited there was the birthday of Baosheng
Empero and Fortune god, this incident bring about merry and boisterous atmosphere.
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